Can I Get a Mammogram if I Have Breast Implants?
At Professionals for Women's Health in Central Ohio, our caring team provides comprehensive women's health services, including mammography, which is available at our Columbus, OH location. Whether you have breast implants or not, routine mammograms are one of the most effective tools for early detection of breast cancer and other abnormalities. If you have implants and need a mammogram, our team will use specialized techniques to ensure your screening is effective and comfortable. Here, you'll find information about the importance of mammograms, what to expect with a mammogram with implants, and more.
How do mammograms work with breast implants?
Mammograms for women with breast implants require slight modifications to the standard procedure to ensure the breast tissue is thoroughly examined. The mammographer will use implant displacement views, which involve gently moving the implant aside to capture clear images of the breast tissue in front of and behind the implant. These adjustments allow the radiologist to detect abnormalities that may otherwise be obscured by the implants. It's important to inform our team before your appointment that you have implants so we can tailor the process accordingly.
Do mammograms hurt with implants?
Mammograms typically don't cause pain, but you may experience mild discomfort due to the compression required to capture clear images. For women with implants, this compression may feel slightly different but shouldn't cause additional pain. At Professionals for Women's Health, we strive to make your mammogram as comfortable as possible. With that in mind, we proudly offer the MammoPad®, a soft, single-use breast cushion that provides a warm, protective surface between your breast and the mammography machine. This option has been shown to reduce discomfort by up to 50% for many women. There is a $10.00 fee for the MammoPad®, which is not covered by insurance but can significantly improve your mammogram experience.
When should you start getting mammograms if you have implants?
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends annual mammograms for women ages 40 and older. However, some women may need to start screenings earlier based on their known risk factors for breast cancer, which include:
- A family history of breast cancer (particularly in their mother, sister, or daughter)
- A personal history of breast cancer
- Early menstruation or late-onset menopause
- No history of childbirth or breastfeeding
Certain physical signs and symptoms of breast cancer and other conditions may also mean you need a mammogram, such as:
- Changes in breast or armpit tissue, such as thickening or growths
- Skin dimpling or changes in the nipple or breast appearance
- Abnormal discharge from the nipple
If you have any of these risk factors or concerns, speak with your provider about when to get your first mammogram and how frequently to schedule them.
Can you see breast cancer on a mammogram with implants?
While implants can obscure some parts of the breast, the specialized techniques used during mammograms ensure that as much breast tissue as possible is examined. Our mammographers are trained to work with implants, so your screening will still provide valuable information about your breast health. It's also essential to follow up with any additional imaging or diagnostic tests if recommended. This may include ultrasound or MRI, which can provide further clarity in cases where implants may limit mammogram visibility.
Do I need to do anything special before a mammogram with implants?
The process of preparing for a mammogram is the same with or without implants for most women, except for the need to let us know at the time of scheduling that you have breast implants. To make your mammogram appointment as smooth as possible, consider these general mammogram preparation tips:
- Inform our team about your implants when scheduling your appointment
- Avoid wearing deodorant, lotion, or powder on the day of your mammogram, as these can interfere with imaging
- Wear a two-piece outfit for easy undressing from the waist up
- Schedule your mammogram for a time when your breasts are least likely to be tender, such as the week after your menstrual cycle
Our team is here to answer any additional questions you may have about what it's like to get a mammogram with breast implants and provide support to help you feel at ease during your appointment.
Give yourself the gift of prevention and early detection with a mammogram in Columbus, OH
Breast implants should not prevent you from prioritizing your breast health. At Professionals for Women's Health, our experienced team provides personalized mammography services to women in Columbus, OH so that each patient feels comfortable and cared for. Contact our Columbus mammogram location today to schedule your breast imaging and take an important step toward protecting your health for the long term.