Common Pregnancy-Related Complaints in Columbus, OH

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Common Complaints Overview

Almost all pregnant women have some of these normal symptoms. However, if they are excessively painful or frequent, bring them to our attention.

  • Nausea and occasional vomiting during the first half of pregnancy
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent urination, which is usually worse during early and late pregnancy (This is normal unless accompanied by burning sensation during urination)
  • Breast enlargement and tenderness
  • Low backache
  • Round ligament pain (pain in the lower abdomen which radiates into the groin area): This may be relieved by lying on your side and pulling your knees up to your chest.
  • Constipation: This may be treated by drinking plenty of fluids, exercise, eating fruit, and eating bran cereal. On occasion, it may be necessary to add a fiber supplement, such as Metamucil® or Milk of Magnesia. Harsh laxatives should never be used during pregnancy.

Backache Prevention Methods

Special attention to your posture and some simple exercises to strengthen your lower back, abdominal and gluteal muscles, and inner and outer thighs, help you feel more comfortable and energetic as your pregnancy progresses.

The following exercise program takes about five to ten minutes a day. As you gain strength, you may choose to gradually increase the repetitions. If your back hurts now, you should feel some relief after doing these exercises. If your back does not hurt, don't wait for it to start!

Exercise 1
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Clasp your hands behind your head and lift your chin and chest straight up, raising (not jerking) your head off the floor about six to eight inches. Your eyes should be looking up at the ceiling. Hold five seconds: repeat 10 times. You will feel this exercise in your upper abdominal muscles.

Exercise 2
Lie on your back with hands clasped behind your head. Raise your head just a little, then bring your knees towards your chest, keeping your knees spread apart. (If you are near the end of your pregnancy, you may only be able to bring your knees in a little, which is fine. The exercise is still effective.) Repeat 10 times. This exercise strengthens your lower abdominal muscles.

Exercise 3
Lie on your back with your hands clasped behind your head, your feet on the floor and your knees apart. Let your knees fall to one side, then lift your head straight up, about five or six inches, with your eyes facing the ceiling. Repeat 10 times on each side. This exercise strengthens the side muscles attached to your ribs and upper hip bone.

Exercise 4
Lie on your side with your body straight, leaning on the bottom forearm and elbow to support your upper body. With your foot flexed, bring the top leg straight up about six inches, then lower it without resting it on the bottom leg. Repeat rapid lifts about 20 times. Then point your flexed foot down and repeat lifts 20 more times. Then position your top leg, foot flexed, back as far as it goes comfortably. Repeat 20 more times and finally 20 more times with the flexed foot now pointed down. Do entire series of exercises on both legs.

Exercise 5
Use the same beginning position as in exercise 4, but cross the top leg over, with the knee bent and your foot on the floor. Keeping your foot flexed, raised the bottom leg 20 times. Repeat on the other side. You feel this in your inner thighs. At the end of this set of left lifts, while still lying down, pull each knee toward your chest and hold to prevent cramping and tightening. Exercises 4 and 5 are excellent for firming and strengthening your thighs.

Exercise 6
Lie on your back with your knees bent, legs apart and feet on the floor. Place your hands at your sides. Raise your hips off the floor, then bring them down without touching the floor during the lifts. Repeat 10 times. Then repeat the exercise 10 times with your knees pressed together. You feel this exercise in your lower back, buttocks and thighs.

Exercise 7
Position yourself on your hands and knees with your arms and thighs perpendicular to the floor and your knees comfortably apart. First, allow your lower back and abdomen to sag towards the floor. Then raise your back to level, and tighten your buttocks until your lower back curls upward (like a cat with an arched back). Relax to level, and then let the back and abdomen sag again. Repeat 20 times. The motion should be continuous, slow and wave like.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please ask a provider at your upcoming visit.

Danger Signs

These signs and symptoms may indicate a problem in your pregnancy. If you experience any of these symptoms, please call the office immediately:

  • Vaginal bleeding. Call us immediately if you start bleeding as heavily as a menstrual period. You do not need to call us if you have the bloody show (bloody mucus) late in pregnancy. This is normal and usually means that you are going into labor soon.
  • Persistent vomiting and/or diarrhea.
  • Sudden or severe swelling of the face or hands
  • Severe, continuous headache.
  • Visual changes such as blurring of vision, dizziness or spots before the eyes.
  • Chills and fever that exceeds 101 degrees.
  • Sudden, sharp or rhythmic abdominal pain.
  • Sudden gush of fluid from the vagina.
  • Vaginal irritation, itching, foul odor or sores.
  • Burning or pressure with urination.
  • Rash or hives.
  • Severe shortness of breath with palpitations (fast or irregular beating of the heart).
  • Regular contractions that last 30 to 40 seconds.

Common complaints FAQ

Is nausea common during pregnancy?

Nausea and vomiting can be very common during early pregnancy. This is called morning sickness, and it can make you feel quite ill, preventing you from eating and keeping food down. Professionals for Women's Health can provide simple, at-home ways to prevent nausea as well as medications that may help. Ask our OG/BYNs about the details during a consultation.

What if my back problems are persistent?

The best way to address back pain due to pregnancy is through gentle exercises. If you are unsure how to perform the above movements, our team members can demonstrate them with you and provide advice for making the most of them. If regular back exercises do not seem to work, we may prescribe medications to relieve pain or provide a referral to a specialist.

What is considered an emergency?

Serious symptoms like excess vaginal bleeding, persistent vomiting and/or diarrhea, and sudden severe pain are considered emergencies and require immediate attention from an OB/GYN. Please call our office in Columbus, OH, to schedule an appointment as soon as possible after experiencing these symptoms. We are available for your unexpected needs at any time.

What can I do to manage heartburn during pregnancy?

Heartburn during pregnancy is often caused by hormonal changes that relax the valve between the stomach and esophagus, along with the growing baby pressing on your stomach. To manage heartburn, try eating smaller, more frequent meals instead of large ones. Avoid spicy, acidic, or fatty foods that can trigger symptoms. It can also help to stay upright for at least an hour after eating and avoid lying down immediately. If heartburn persists, discuss with your healthcare provider about safe over-the-counter medications.

How can I relieve constipation during pregnancy?

Constipation is a common issue during pregnancy due to hormonal changes that slow down the digestive system. To relieve constipation, increase your intake of high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day is also crucial. Regular physical activity can stimulate digestion and help maintain regular bowel movements. If dietary changes and exercise aren't enough, your doctor may recommend a fiber supplement or stool softener that is safe for pregnancy.

What can I do about leg cramps during pregnancy?

Leg cramps, especially at night, are common during pregnancy. To alleviate leg cramps, ensure you are staying well-hydrated and consider incorporating more potassium and calcium into your diet, as deficiencies in these minerals can contribute to cramps. Regular exercise and stretching your calf muscles before bed can also help prevent cramps. When a cramp occurs, flexing your foot upwards and massaging the muscle can provide immediate relief. If cramps are severe or persistent, discuss the issue with our team.

Pregnancy Help From Trusted Experts

There are several symptoms and conditions that, unfortunately, affect millions of women during their pregnancy. However, if you feel that these issues are becoming too frequent or require medical attention, Professionals for Women’s Health is here to help. Our Columbus, OH providers have many years of experience treating women like you during their pregnancies and know what it takes to ensure a healthy delivery. For more information, please get in touch with us today.

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