Signs You May Need to Get a Mammogram Earlier Than Recommended

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Mammograms are one of the most effective and convenient screening tools for detecting breast cancer in its earliest stages, often before any symptoms appear. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that women begin getting annual mammograms at age 40, but some women may need to start screening earlier based on their personal or family health history. The team at Professionals for Women's Health in Columbus, OH is here to help women understand their individual breast cancer risks and determine when it may be appropriate to begin mammogram screenings. Take a closer look here at some of the signs that you may need to get a mammogram earlier than typically recommended.

When do you get your first mammogram?

For most women, mammograms are recommended starting at age 40, with yearly screenings thereafter. This guideline applies to women of almost all breast sizes, and those with or without breast implants or a history of breast reduction surgery. However, there are certain situations where it may be advisable to begin mammogram screenings earlier.

Should I get a mammogram before 40?

Several factors can increase a woman's risk of developing breast cancer at a young age, potentially requiring earlier or more frequent mammogram screenings. If you have any of the following risk factors for breast cancer, our healthcare team may recommend getting your first mammogram before 40:

  • Family history of breast cancer
  • Personal history of breast cancer
  • No children or first child born after age 30
  • Early menstruation (before age 12)
  • Late menopause (after age 55)

Understanding your breast cancer risk factors is important for making informed decisions about when to start mammogram screenings. If any of these factors apply to you, don't hesitate to talk to our caring team of providers about whether you are eligible for a mammogram before 40.

What are some signs of breast cancer?

In addition to family or personal history and other risk factors, certain physical changes in your breasts could be a reason to seek a mammogram earlier than planned. Some of the signs and symptoms that could warrant a mammogram or breast exam include:

  • Unexplained lump or thickening in breast or armpit tissue
  • Dimpling of the skin on the breast
  • Abnormal discharge from the nipple
  • Changes in the size, shape, or appearance of the breast or nipple

If you notice any of these symptoms, it's important to call our office at your earliest convenience to schedule an evaluation. While these signs do not always indicate breast cancer, they can certainly be a reason to investigate further, possibly with a mammogram.

What happens during a mammogram?

A mammogram is a relatively quick and straightforward procedure. During the exam, your breast will be placed on a flat surface, and a special machine will take images of the breast tissue. The procedure typically takes about 20 minutes and may cause some mild discomfort, but it is generally well-tolerated. One of our providers will review the results of your mammogram and discuss any findings or next steps with you.

How can I reduce risk of breast cancer?

While some risk factors for breast cancer — like family history and age — are beyond your control, there are certain lifestyle choices you can make to lower your overall risk. Tips for lowering your risk of breast cancer and boosting your health in general include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Staying physically active
  • Limiting alcohol consumption
  • Avoiding tobacco products

By taking steps to maintain your health and being proactive about your breast cancer screenings — including yearly mammograms starting at age 40 or as recommended based on your risk level — you can help protect your long-term health and well-being.

Protect your health with early mammogram screenings in Columbus, OH

If you're wondering whether you should begin mammogram screenings earlier than recommended, or if you've noticed any unusual changes in your breast tissue, our team at Professionals for Women's Health is here to help. We can evaluate your risk factors and create a personalized screening schedule based on your unique needs. To schedule your consultation and discuss your Columbus, OH mammogram options, call to speak with one of our friendly team members today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.