Pregnancy & Obstetrics Supplemental Information for Women

You will find a wealth of helpful information about your pregnancy on our website. You can access any topic from the drop down menu or below.

Covid Vaccine & Pregnancy

Dr. Erika Boothman | 03/08/2021

Recommendations for Covid vaccine during pregnancy


Pregnancy FAQ

If you are pregnant, take a second to read through our frequently asked questions about the changes that your body may go through.


Sex During Pregnancy

Sexual intercourse is permissible at any time during pregnancy unless you have vaginal bleeding, or a tendency toward premature labor.



Cigarette smoke contains a variety of poisons including nicotine, cyanide, and carbon monoxide, all of which cross over the placenta to the baby.


Toxoplasmosis in Pregnant Women

Toxoplasma is a harmful parasite that can cause an illness called toxoplasmosis. It also can be transmitted from mother to baby during pregnancy.


Traveling During Pregnancy

The best time to travel is mid-pregnancy (14-28 weeks) because many pregnancy symptoms have subsided and you will be the most comfortable.


Vomiting and Diarrhea

The most common causes of vomiting and/or diarrhea are viral infections, bacterial infections, like food poisoning, or side effects of medications.


Alcohol Use During Pregnancy

Your providers at PW Health request that you abstain from all alcohol use if you are trying to conceive, if you are pregnant, or are breastfeeding.


Calcium Intake in Pregnancy

If you don't get enough calcium in your diet when you're pregnant, your baby will draw it from your bones, which may impair your own health later on.


Causes of Backache During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, physiological changes place stress on your spine, ligaments attached to your spine and pelvis, surrounding muscles for support.


Feeling Fit

Exercise during pregnancy will help you to improve muscle tone and stamina, which may benefit you in the delivery room.


Fetal Movement

Once you have reached 32 weeks in your pregnancy, a daily diary of your baby's movements provides useful information.


Hospital Choices

You may wish to tour all the hospitals before deciding where to deliver. Tours may be scheduled by calling and scheduling a maternity class or tour.


Information About Cord Blood Banking

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord after your baby has been delivered and the cord has been cut.


Information About Dietary Iron

Iron is important in your diet because it has a central role in making hemoglobin, which supplies oxygen to the body.



During pregnancy, we request that you limit your medication intake to prenatal vitamins and to those medications approved by our office.


Pediatrician Referrals

If you do not have a doctor for your baby, we can recommend one. We have listed pediatrician and family practitioners below.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.